This is the manhattan temple where we did baptisms!! SO much fun! it was pouring hard core Tuesday morning, but it was definitely worth it! They were so nice and it was beautiful inside! I love going to the temple, and i love that we go when we are on vacation! The Subways were kind of scary at first, because we never knew when to get off. Once you understand a bit though- it became a piece of cake piece of pie! Aww... yes. The infamous NY pizza. The slices were HUGE!!
They weren't half bad actually but they were way too big to eat all the time. It was bigger than my face!

Krist, Carli, and I on the subway for the very first time!! AHHHH! :)

Oh man. Our hotel had free coffee and hot chocolate 24-7 so we were drinking hot chocolate like it was going out of style. It kept us warm, and it was sooooo yummy!!! We had it down exactly to how many creamers and everything. Delicious!
Ha ha I don't have any idea what I am doing in this picture, but I was getting on the horse for the Central Park Carousel. LOL. It was so high up maybe I was scared???
There were so many souvenir shops all around because we were so close to all the Broadway theaters in Time Square, and this sign was so fun. I wanted it so bad! I was being her for Halloween and I think i may have developed a slight obsession for the Wizard of Oz and Wicked...
Krist, Carli, and I on the subway for the very first time!! AHHHH! :)
OOOOH yeah!! FAO SCHWARTZ baby! So much fun! We definitely had too much fun playing around in this store. If you ever go to NYC, visit this place!

Inside FAO they had Harry Potter, Hermoine, Ron, and Hagrid all made out of Leggos. It was the coolest thing and I was so dang excited! Good old harry... another one of my obsessions. They were seriously so cool though!!!

Our first NYC hot dogs from the street vendor! they were actually really good! For hot dogs.. ha

I tried to talk Kristi and Carli into seeing Equuis, with Daniel Radcliff (harry potter) but they weren't having it! Ha ha. If you don't know what that is, look it up. You will know exactly why they didn't want to see him in this particular play.... he he he. I told them we could just close our eyes in those parts.. LOL

Anyway- our trip was actually really really fun and i loved being in the big city! I could definitely live there, but I wouldn't really want to vacation again. Everything is too expensive and stressful when you don't know where you are going. All in all though i absolutely loved it and I can't wait to see some more Broadway musicals! that was my favorite part! It was so much fun! If anyone does go though, wear walking shoes! You will walk more on the vacation than you have your entire life! :)
Kristi and I decided to work out with my Turbo Jam while we were just chilling in the hotel!

Leaving for Wicked!!! Yay!!!

Wicked Was so amazing! We were pretty much freaking out the entire time and I couldn't believe how great it was! I had pretty high expectations, and they were definitely exceeded! I would recommend Wicked to everyone. It makes you laugh, makes you sad, makes you happy, angry... it even has a few surprises in there that i was like WHOA!! It even made me cry because i loved it so much. We actually tried seeing it again but they were all sold out. Dang! We did get to see Phantom of the Opera though! That was pretty amazing too! Holy crow it was awesome! I LOVE BROADWAY! We even went and walked out onto the Brooklyn Bridge! It was so pretty looking out over the water!
Heading to the statue of Liberty...
Leaving for Wicked!!! Yay!!!
Wicked Was so amazing! We were pretty much freaking out the entire time and I couldn't believe how great it was! I had pretty high expectations, and they were definitely exceeded! I would recommend Wicked to everyone. It makes you laugh, makes you sad, makes you happy, angry... it even has a few surprises in there that i was like WHOA!! It even made me cry because i loved it so much. We actually tried seeing it again but they were all sold out. Dang! We did get to see Phantom of the Opera though! That was pretty amazing too! Holy crow it was awesome! I LOVE BROADWAY! We even went and walked out onto the Brooklyn Bridge! It was so pretty looking out over the water!
Anyway- our trip was actually really really fun and i loved being in the big city! I could definitely live there, but I wouldn't really want to vacation again. Everything is too expensive and stressful when you don't know where you are going. All in all though i absolutely loved it and I can't wait to see some more Broadway musicals! that was my favorite part! It was so much fun! If anyone does go though, wear walking shoes! You will walk more on the vacation than you have your entire life! :)