Imagine Dragons
So Saturday night I went to Prove with some girlfriends and watched Dan Reynolds and his band IMAGINE DRAGONS! They are way awesome and if you haven't heard of them look them up on myspace!! They are very multi-talented and won battle of the bands at BYU. I know Dan because he was in the Omaha Nebraska mission with Tyler! I think these guys will go really far so everyone get to know their stuff! :)

WE are off in to 2009!!! Here we go!! WE found 4 different families this week!!! We have been doing a ton of finding!!! This ward is so ready to support as many people as we bring in we just have to get people going first!!! Satan sure isn't making it easy that's for sure!!! But we are very hopeful for these families we've visited recently!!! This next week should prove to be a great start for us!! WE had Zone conference this last week as well!! I had a chance to sing a solo part again........ i don't know what it is but some how some way i get roped in to everything!!! It ended up really good though. WE have a temple trip this week!!!! I'm super excited for it that's for sure, it may be my last one on the mission in the winter quarters temple!!! We just found out that the temple is being cleaned in March so x-nay on the temple that month before I head out!!!! BAh!!!! I hate to talk about it like that, like it's my last, I have been so thankful to have the temple in the mission, it's brought so much peace and answered prayers to me since i've been out. I love being thrown right back into perspective of why I'm here and what my purpose really is!!! I love this mission!!!!
Elder Hadley
Elder Hadley