Re cap
I feel like I blog too much.. think so? Maybe not.. Anyway! Last night was Kelliann's last night with us at school and she graduates on Saturday. I'm sad to see her go but she will do great!
This is my girl Chelsey and I at school
Brian and I staying up late watchin movies
Doing Jen's nails at school

Chels and I all curly sue
My new car! =) Yes, it is exactly like my old one EXCEPT that it's newer! I was going to buy justin's but i caught this one on KSL and got a KILLER deal! Yay!
In Lindon when I was purchasing my car Kirstie and I stopped for a Mcflurry and we found Ronald so of course we needed pictures.. :)
Me and Parkes with our sweet twinner rides..

When we went drivin on the bike we found a carnival so we stopped and had some fun. We got temp tattoos, and glow in the dark necklace things. it was fun. his girl came home from her mission on Tuesday so I joked all night and said it was like his 'bachelor party'
Father's day snapshot of my mom in my grandmas glasses haha She is so cute
This weekend I am headed to Bear Lake with the family so I am sure to have more pictures next week.. stay tuned..
This weekend I am headed to Bear Lake with the family so I am sure to have more pictures next week.. stay tuned..