my spare time
Wow. Been a while since i blogged and I did recv an update request so here goes!
So lately I have been finding that not many people know I like to draw. People I have known for years. i guess I never really talk about it because I am shy about it, so I probably never mentioned it. I have always been a "doodler" though, so yeah.. I just though I would put up some pictures of what I have done. Now, they arent great. I'll just say it haha. I usually draw when i can't sleep at night or when I am having a rough time with something. It's a form of therapy for me I guess. Someday I would love to take an art class! I wish I would have when i was in high school. As of right now I think I am decent with non human pictures. I haven't ever tried drawing from real life so all of these drawings have been looking at a photo or something. Someday I hope to be amazing like my friend Travis. He has some insane artisitic talent! Anyway... here are a few that I have done. . .
So lately I have been finding that not many people know I like to draw. People I have known for years. i guess I never really talk about it because I am shy about it, so I probably never mentioned it. I have always been a "doodler" though, so yeah.. I just though I would put up some pictures of what I have done. Now, they arent great. I'll just say it haha. I usually draw when i can't sleep at night or when I am having a rough time with something. It's a form of therapy for me I guess. Someday I would love to take an art class! I wish I would have when i was in high school. As of right now I think I am decent with non human pictures. I haven't ever tried drawing from real life so all of these drawings have been looking at a photo or something. Someday I hope to be amazing like my friend Travis. He has some insane artisitic talent! Anyway... here are a few that I have done. . .
ha ha So this Garfield was back in 2006.. yeah..
This flower was my most recent drawing of a flower growing in my backyard
My very first human drawing back in 2001
A sketch from a picture taken when I was in Texas
Someday I will find my prince and then I can have my
Cinderella is my favorite princess. yeah I'm still the little girl looking for her fairy tale and prince charming.. I know it's silly but I can't help it. what girl doesn't want a true love and romance?!
Another TX sketch
Okay so i started this picture of Jesus, but I can't get the face to look right. Frustrating, but I never was very good at faces.. As you will see in the next pictures haha
Kristi, Carli, and I Halloween 2008 :)
TX sketch that isn't finished... i realized going through all my stuff that I dont always finish my pictures. that should be a new goal i think :D
Retro lovers embrace he he he aw.. she's cryin. so sad.
My favorite drawing so far. My sisters and I took some crazy pictures one night and after my sleeping pill started to kick in I got this brilliant idea to take pics with mustaches on our faces. So i drew us all mustaches and we took funny photos. this was one of them and I love it soooo much!
I named this one Field of Dreams... just an FYI- I love butterflies. I love that they transform from a creepy crawly caterpillar and wrap themselves up until they are ready to emerge and show the world their true hidden beauty of how they were really meant to be seen. It's pretty much amazing :)
Sketch of me layin on the floor haha I was being lazy okay?!
Yes! My favorite is Donatello. I drew this back when i worked at Office Max thanks to a picture cynthia had. Turtles in a half shell.. TURTLE POWER!
Kristi and I were 'Wicked' for Halloween 2008
Um... yeah I have more but I think that is plenty.. haha I feel dumb posting these as it is. Anyway so this weekend was pretty good. Hung out and went swimmin at 7 peaks. took some funny pics with my best friend JP after we went and saw Harry Potter. I'd already seen it but who doesn't love harry?! oooh I am gonna make a harry potter my next drawing. Great idea! Woop woop!
Me and JP ridin the bike back from 7 peaks! It was soo hot and we were starvin to we went to Zupas. Amazing place that I'm pretty sure is my new favorite. Too bad we dont have one up North...
Hahahaha These masks were too funny at JP's so i HAD to take a picture in it
Harry potter and the half blood prince.. hehe