Couple of trends i find to be interesting right now

True love waits ring- I had one a couple years ago but lost it sadly. This is about waiting for marriage etc.
"expect a miracle" necklace

"I am the way the truth and the life" a scripture from John

These shirts have great messages/scriaptures and they are also fashionable and sooo cute
I LOVE THIS ONE! It's about new life
Gothic wedding themes!
Surprisingly they are becoming more and more popular. I think it's cool to customize the wedding to your personality but it just surprised me as to just how different things are. Wedding dresses dont even have to be white anymore. I like the contrast and the unique ideas peope come up with for sure. I know i like to be different! here are a couple pictures i found that were cool.

Christianity and religion is becoming popular.
I hate to say 'popular', but that is the only way I can describe it. It seems like with society today being religious and faithful to the Lord has been "uncool." With media and everything else going on the wickedness in the world is quickly rising and becoming the norm. Recently though, it seems that more people are speaking up, taking pride in their views, and literally wearing their hearts on their sleeves. I see it all the time in clothing stores- crosses and religious insignia. Just the other day I was looking up Christian Rock music (another sign of the religious taking pride in their beliefs and creating something for others to be a part of etc) and I came across a christian clothing line called Not Of This World or NOTW. I LOOOOOVE their clothes. Well, most of them. Some I would never wear but it's so cool. Here are some shirts and things i liked!


"I am the way the truth and the life" a scripture from John

These shirts have great messages/scriaptures and they are also fashionable and sooo cute

I hope that if non religious people see these clothes that they don't think that person is "showing off" by wearing something like this. I think it could be misinterpreted in many ways, and hopefully those who do choose to wear them aren't doing it to be 'rubbing it in everyone's face' how religious and good they are. For me, clothing is just another artistic form of personal expression. You are what you say/do/wear/believe/think and these things are part of my life. I wouldn't wear them for any other reason than to express my own personality. Anyway, i'm rambling but i just thought that was VERY interesting and I actually LOVE the idea. NOTW is great and they arent the only christian clothing available. I love it. I hope that maybe one day if i do get a shirt and wear it that someone may have needed the message it reads? To me it could be another way to spread the word and goodness of God. Another way to spread the most imposrtant thing of all. LOVE.