This week has been pretty crazy i think! I feel like I just go go go! FHE, family dinner, volleyball, and lots of driving time to and from Happy Valley. School hours are changing and I am so excited. NO MORE SATURDAYS! yay! I am also excited for Island Park next weekend with the singles ward. They are my fave :) Here are some pictures from everything this past week.

Me and Parkes at Zupas after going swimmin at 7 peaks

Mon Chat :) Here kitty kitty!

FHE at Camp Woodland

Catching balloons from the slingshot

Glen Eage 2nd Baby woop woop!

Family Dinner in Brigham- my fam with my mom's parents

The Bruce Siblings Kylie Kirstie me and Kacey

Volleyball! I wish i'd have gotten everyone together before 90% of everyone left, but this was some of us who played

Kalie- love you girl!

Kory and I

He didn't like the pictures and tried deleting them so i wrestled him for the camera. For the first time ever- I WON!!! I wasn't about to let them be deleted. haha. -And they are in Sepia because that is my favorite ha ha ha

(PS~ I wasn't really licking his face) LOL
It's been a pretty good week so far and I am excited for this weekend! Real Soccer game on Saturday after school! Yay!