*YSA Island Park 2009*
My singles ward was offered to stay in a 3million dollar cabin for the second year in a row because the owners are friends of our President and his wife. The Greens are very nice and sooo generous to let us come stay up for free! We ride their 4 wheelers, Wayne takes us down to the lake for kayaking, and we get to use everything basically and stay in the nicest area! The cabin is beautiful and i have come to LOVE Island Park.
Carli and I the first day stopping at the Rexburg, ID temple. Yeah- we left the church at 6am.. UGH!
Friday night we went to West yellowstone and while waiting for Footloose at the Playmill we were out browsing. haha
Some of our group just before dinner and the show
My boyfriend Wyatt "Herb" haha

My sister Kirstie was imitating the bear (After I told her to) :D