Crazy little thing called LIFE
Wowsa! been a little while. Just nine months.. you know, no big deal.. haha! I just thought i'd get a recap going of how life has been and then hopefully pick back up in regular blogging! Where to start.. Umm.... wow. I have no idea where to start.. Back when I last posted I had been thinking about going on an LDS mission. In fact, I was pretty much planning on it and had begun preparing. I had been praying a lot about the mission and decided my answer was that it was right for me! I was going on a mission! CrAzY! Looking through my blog I had actually started 3 blogs but never finished them. One was about the mission. Pretty intense feelings going on there.. hmmph.

Singles Ward Activities- we egg and floured our leader Cody for his birthday haha it was a tradition in Argentina that Shad brought home from his mission. Hilarious I tell ya!
This is Shad lol after we all got messy from the egg/flour/cake/ice cream fight..
Random boating times on Shad's boat with a bunch of people from the branch- at Pineview
Midnight boating with "the crew" (I tried barefoot skiing that night.. EPIC FAIL hahahaha)
Bear Lake campout with my singles ward was a riot- obviously- haha
Shad kicked my trash in hand stands even though you can't tell cause mine looks awesome in this picture.. (Notice the hand showing next to me.. that was Kirstie trying to hold me up for this picture hahaha)
Our early morning sunrise watching on the beach. It was friggin COLD
More beach fun with Kirstie and Shad lol.. dont ask.. we have too much fun :]

picture fun with the family haha
Freezing cold rainy Lagoon day with the fam
I bought myself a 4 wheeler!! Boo ya!! It's a friggin blast. I love my Suzi
I ran a half marathon in Layton without training! (crazy i know) I made fairly good timing though. I think it was 2:05:00 something.. I was Hella sore after that though.. I wanted to die. My advice to anyone planning on running one.. TRAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4 wheelin at the dunes- yeah baby
Weber state football game
Our random pics in the woods haha
After running my half marathon
Mountain biking in St George
About to go repelling off of some random cliff in St George
Okay so for a shorter recap i'm just going to hit a few key points so I dont put everyone to sleep with my little details and things.
Went to the Hogle Zoo with my family for my 23rd birthday. It was a blast as always

I finally graduated Marinello cosmetology school in June after two long years going part time nights! Oh glorious day!

I learned how to surf!

First time to Lake Powell was sooo much fun! I even went cliff diving!

Sister Kristi Hurd finall came home from her mission! Hurray!

Okay so obviously I've had a lot going on the past little while but from some of these pictures you can probably see that I made a special new friend... haha (That would be Shad Dee Hancock)
Here is our story in a nutshell....
We actually met randomly at a softball game with my singles ward. He pulled up and got out of his car and as he was walking over I remember thinking who the heck is this guy? He had a big old gotee and his stunner shades on. Big smile though- I remember the smile. Cody Lasley (our second counselor) asked if I'd met Shad and obviously I hadn't so I shook his hand and that was it. During the game however I gave him so much crap. I remember afterwards I kept thinking about it and wishing I hadn't been so teasing because he probably thought I was a brat for teasing so much. At the same time though I figured it was probably okay because he gave it right back. Shortly after that he was called to be my activities co-chair and our crazy awesome story began. We got to know each other pretty well through activities and we always just sort of clicked. I was actually dating another guy at the time so of course we were just friends but we were really good friends and we were able to talk a lot. A couple of activites just weren't long enough because we had more to say and talk about. Eventually my relationship with my old boyfriend ended and I was planning on going on a mission but for some reason my bishop didn't think I was ready. I didn't understand that at all and I was pretty frustrated because I'd been preparing like crazy. I waited a couple weeks and tried to start my papers again. Nope. Not ready yet... he just didn't feel good enough about me going to let me start the paperwork. Well- good thing he is so inspired because it was that next couple of weeks when I started dating Shad. First kiss was absolutely amazing and that was pretty much all she wrote! I knew that he was the one. I'd never felt like that with anyone else and I just knew. I always asked my married friends how they "KNEW" their guy was THE GUY. They would always tell me I'd know when it was, but I thought in the past that i knew and it didn't work out. This was a million times different. I absolutely KNEW. No doubts about it. Everything fit too perfectly and we fit perfectly. I can't even describe it except to say that when it's right it is SO right! :) And now here we are a couple months later and having a blast! I've never had so much fun. Even before I dated him my entire family asked why i wasn't and my reply was "i'm going on a mission." hahaha the Lord definitely had other plans for me! I couldn't run from Shad even though I tried.. I'm so thankful I wasn't successful! I'd much rather be here with him! It's strange to say but I think I loved him since the first time I met him. I just didn't realize it.. That sounds crazy I know, but it's true. You just can't deny feelings like that..There are so many funny little things that happened with different people in this whole "Shad and Karlie" process but I'll have to write those later. This blog is already HUGE. Anyways.. here are a few pics of my favorite person in the world!
Our Lake Powell Trip


Shad is such a stud. He's 29 and has a house in Syracuse. He's currently getting his masters and has been working at ATK as an industrial Security Specialist Manager guy. I absolutely love his family and mine loves him. (EVEN MY DAD) I can't wait to marry him and officially make him mine forever :)
I have not talked to you in so long and I am SOOOO happy that you are happy! It seriously has made my day that you have found the right guy! And you guys are so cute together! Its crazy how things work in mysterious ways, heck I knew Chris(fiance) a year before we started dating and I had no idea I would fall in love with him a year later! Love works in insanely funny ways! Congrats girl! Enjoy Love! Love ya girl
Ashley Lammi