Decisions decisions..

So i have officially decided to get my tattoos removed. Ahhh! It's going to be a long, painful, and expensive process but I know it will be worth it. I'll be posting before/after pics.. Hopefully they will be completely removed when I'm done and my skin will be back to normal!

Completely different subject, but I am refinishing a piano! :) It's almost 100 yrs old but it's awesome. I'm really excited to see how it turns out. I got the piano for free so I'm putting in labor and finishing supplies. Not too bad. I'll post some pics of that too! My first furniture refinishing so I hope it turns out. haha Guess we will see!


Shanna said…
Thats a wise decision kar. good luck girl!
Mary Ann said…
Hey, I refinished my piano last year so if you need any pointers let me know. Also, good's a hard job!
Mel and Curt said…
My sis is getting hers taken off the back of her neck and it looks awesome. The skin looks like it did before she got it. Good Luck cause she says it hurts quite a bit!!

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