New "half-year" Resolution :]
I'm going to start blogging regularly again! I am! I am! A quick catch up before I get to the goods.
In March I went with Shad's family to the happiest place on Earth! It really was because I was with the coolest guy in the world!
That’s right. NOTHING. WOO HOO!!
In March I went with Shad's family to the happiest place on Earth! It really was because I was with the coolest guy in the world!
I went to the beach for the first time! It was so much fun i loved it!!
For a girls day out we rode the trax from Layton out to Gardner village and rode all the way back! 50 miles for the first ride of the year was tough. My butt hated me for days but it was fun to hang out with Shad's family!
My sister Kirstie got married March 22. It was a stressful day but she looked beautiful and I've got a great brother-in-law. That's still really weird to say..
Shad graduated from the University of Pheonix with his MASTERS!!
Oh... and did i forget to mention that WE ARE ENGAGED?!?! :] You know I didn't forget. I saved the best for last. Shad proposed to me on Dec 22, 2011 which was Hanukkah! He called me at work and asked me out on a date and said that we were going with some friends to look at the temple lights in Salt Lake. I was super excited because technically that was the first time he’d ever said the words, “Will you go out on a date with me?” So I’m counting it as our first OFFICIAL date. We’d never been to temple square together either so I was super stoked. I met him over at the junction and parked my car so that we could ride together seeing as how we were running so late. Shad said that traffic was really bad so he was going to take a shortcut to meet our friends. (I should mention that when I asked which friends he replied saying that I'd never met these friends so I assumed they were old ones that i'd heard of and just never met.. See how trusting I am! ha ha) I didn’t think the short cut made any sense because the freeway was right there but he said the shortcut would get us around the traffic on the freeway. I said okay. Then as we are rushing like crazy to meet our friends and not be late he drives about 15 mph through the airport. I tell shad, Babe it’s 40 you can go! He said he was looking at the hangers and scenery. I had been checking them out myself so I didn’t think much of it until he started to pull into convergys. I asked if his friends worked there or something and he flipped a U and pulled into a hanger for an electrician or something. I asked if his friend worked here and he said yes. So we get out and walk into the building and Shad walks into this back room and I say, “are you supposed to be back here?” I looked around the corner and stopped when I saw helicopters. I said, “are we going in one of those?!” and he said yes! I was freaking out. I’m afraid of heights and flying makes me really nervous. Then I saw Todd Patterson! I went to school with him and he is good friends with Shad’s younger brother. He was going to be our pilot! This was the coolest first date ever!!! I had no idea this was THE date. I thought about it but my sister had gotten engaged 3 weeks earlier so I thought there was no way Shad would do it that close. So we get out and fly over the valley just as it starts getting dark. We flew right over our houses. I could even see Shad’s truck. We flew out around the temple and got to talk on the radios. The view was stunning! We were low enough to see people skating on the ice rink below. We could see all of the temple lights and it was the best Christmas light viewing in the world! There is no other way to see temple square than from above! We circled a few times and I just couldn’t believe we were on this awesome of a date. I’m looking down out of my window at the temple and Shad says, “Well I guess now is about as good a time as any..” and I turned wondering what he was talking about and I saw him pulling out “the box.” I didn’t give him a chance to keep talking and I started saying (or screaming in disbelief) “Are you serious?! Are you serious!?” He said Yeah and I just kissed him. After he pried me off for a second he said, “Marry me? Make me the happiest man in the world?” and I said “yes yes yes!!” and then I just kept kissing him. I was shaking and crying when he slipped the beauty on my finger. I was sniffling and carrying on of course and Shad- my awesome, most amazing FIANCE- pulls out a hanky for me! Not only did he come prepared for my happy tears, but he came with a hockey hanky. It was absolutely perfect. On our flight back Shad sent a text to everyone saying that I’d said yes. As we flew back toward the airport we flew right over both my house and Shad’s parents. His dad even saw us fly over. I couldn’t believe it. I was engaged to Shad Hancock and I couldn’t have been happier. When we got back down we took a few pictures with Todd and then went to Iggy’s for dinner. I had no idea that he’d had my rings for a couple weeks! I couldn’t stop staring at it :] It was so sparkly and pretty much the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. I kept moving my hand around and watching it reflect the light. I love Shad Dee Hancock more than anything in the whole world and now we get to be together forever. What could possibly be better than that?!
That’s right. NOTHING. WOO HOO!!
